12 July 2011


Each year thousands of South Africans flock to Knysna and surrounds for the annual Oyster Festival. The festival has been running for about 28 years and there is plenty of Oysters up for grabs at the local restaurants.

Don’t be too concerned though, you don’t have to eat the oysters – I don’t – there is still plenty other treats to enjoy. While dining at an Italian restaurant, one of the locals came over to mention that 57 people had been admitted to hospital with food poisoning – courtesy of those oysters… Ooops.

The Knysna Forest Marathon is one of the major drawing cards – There are 2: A full and half marathon. Not everyone takes the racing too seriously as can be seen by these super heros.

In past years, its always been a very cold and wet weekend – This year we were spoilt with great weather, great sunsets and amazing views. Knysna…. Its Nice – Nah?