25 November 2011

Colourful Cooper

When I like something, I want to use it all the time. Specifically when it comes to photography. If I like a specific shot, then every shoot gets that shot, or if I like a prop [Sunglasses ;) ], I want everyone to have a photograph wearing sunglasses. It’s just who I am. I make no apologies ;) 

I love Polaroid photographs.
I like to take photographs of Polaroid photographs.

Exhibit A:

I also like to make pictures that weren’t necessarily taken with a Polaroid, look like it was and then add a tagline.
Exhibit B:

So. That’s what I started doing a few months ago – With computer software I would copy and paste pictures I’d taken into a Polaroid inspired frame… and then I’d have it developed and stick it on my fridge. I like the look of it, but most importantly, it’s something different and well, different makes me happy.

I figured, if I like it – perhaps others would like it? So every now and then, as part of a gift or whatever, I’d give a Polaroid inspired picture with a little tag line at the end and stick a magnet at the back so the recipient could put it on their fridge. It was a personalized fridge magnet.

Then, I wanted everyone to have them – but realised that not everyone is insane enough to go through the trouble of copy and pasting images, importing and exporting, printing, cutting and sticking magnets on the back of their photographs… and well, I wasn’t going to make everyone I knew one. Lazy hey?
 Fast forward to me browsing the net and spotting an overseas company that made the frames out of magnets – I wanted them. I found the store, went to purchase and then thought, hang on…. Rather than spending the same price on postage, let me just find a shop locally that has imported them.

I couldn’t.

I made a few calls, started to get excited and was on it. First I made a few for myself and liked them so much, I wanted everyone to have one.

I sourced the materials, had them manufactured, went through the process of having packaging samples made and when I was happy with them, placed the order. I designed the labels and the printing began. The brand Colourful Cooper was born.

My second bedroom is fondly referred to as my laundry room, and it wasn’t long before my dining room literally was transformed into my Factory.


It’s done now – the initial batch is ready and waiting to find a store near you. If it’s successful, I have ideas 2, 3 and 4 waiting patiently to find their ways to your home.

Kodak Express in Canal Walk is stocking them at the moment, so if you’re looking for a fun way to personalize your memories (and fridge), this is the way to do it.  They ship in 3 sizes - scaling down from a standard jumbo print size - and are packaged with 5 magnets in a pack.

If you know of any store you think it may be perfect for, and you personally know, or have contact details of their buyer (perhaps thats you), then please send me an e-mail at info@colourfulcooper.co.za

Shouting out CLICKS doesn’t help, unless you can get them to stock it - But thank you anyway ;)

P.s)  I get by with a little help from my friends.

Thank you to my finance team, my future packaging production line engineer and my lovely packing assistant.  To my models that signed up for family shoots and now find their faces on fridge magnet packaging... thank you, your cheques are in the mail ;)