14 March 2012
Hitting Publish
There have been far less photo shoots than I’d have liked over the last few weeks. Instead, I’ve focused on photography as my business and have been doing some behind the scenes work. A workspace revamp, reviewing options for packaging and presentation albums, packaging pricing updates and the daunting task of creating a Facebook Business Page.
Facebook is an incredible platform – The benefits are blindingly obvious and its often the first port of call for many businesses. Before websites and blogs. So why did it take me so long?
I think I’ve enjoyed the freedom of coasting along, having people find my work, identify with my style and then, if it was something they liked, approach me - Rather than putting my work and myself out there, saying, here you go, this is what I offer. I want you to pick me.
Creating a Facebook page, somehow made that process official. Which is insane. Its Facebook. Not the "Tell everyone about the new businesses of South Africa registration book" :} (That sounds like something Derek Zoolander invented :P )
Anyway, last week, after much uploading and then the occasional nail biting, I decided it was time, and hit PUBLISH to launch my Facebook Business Page. Immediately after, the world didn’t come to an end. Yah!
If you’d like to stay connected – then this is perfect. Go along to the page : Darren's Facebook Page - Now just click on the Like Button.
All future blog posts, new shoots and any relevant information will be posted to the page with a link to the content and if you’re a regular Facebook user and you’ve liked the page, these updates will find you. Don’t you love technology ;}
Ps. I wont be bombard you with a million daily updates. I get it, that's not a great way to roll :}