15 March 2012

Kerry McGregor - Supermodel & Legend

So you’re either shaking your head going, yes, thanks for stating the obvious, we know that, or you’re wondering what I’m talking about.

Well, if you missed it, in December last year, the McGregor Girls wanted to have some pictures taken which they could give to their mom as part of her Christmas gift. We did a casual, this is us at home shoot which in itself was pretty awesome to have been involved with.

A few weeks went by and then Kerry got in touch with me to ask if I could send her one or two colour images from the shoot (We’d done most of the shots in black and white), which she in turn would pass on to the Your Family magazine for an article they were planning. That’s pretty cool right.

So the magazine is on shelves now, with one of the family shots I took and Kerry made a point of supplying them with my info so that the magazine would credit me – Now to me, that’s the stuff legends are made of ; )

While, of course I think it’s very cool that a photograph I’ve taken has made it to a nationally distributed magazine, the reason for this post is because I’m completely in awe of the gesture and professionalism. Very cool.

Thank you Kerry : )

Now everyone else - Go out and buy the magazine, it's a great interview ;)