Happy New Year
Midnight brought the start of a new day in a new year. More than that - for many, it brought the chance to start afresh, putting behind them the troubles of 2011.
Personally, I enjoyed 2011. It was all about new chapters.
Some were sad - Like saying goodbye to family that left for the UK - but they have their own new ventures to follow and our paths will cross soon and when they do, that will be something to look forward to and it'll be fun.
Our family grew - We enjoyed a week in Mauritius where my brother was married, so I now have a sister..... and she's pregnant. So in 2012 [That's this year :) ], I get to meet my niece.
In a moment of clarity, the concept of Colourful Cooper was visualised and within weeks it was done. Out there. Ready. In Stores. Crazy.
Out of nowhere, I met my match. Smart, Funny, Beautiful, Amazing. Perfect.
There were weddings with beautiful brides and celebrations of love - And I was there to capture those memories. Such an honour.
I attended a workshop that a year ago seemed unthinkable - and it was invaluable. Completely Priceless.
I have loved every shoot I've been able to do - Each one has been different, and every time I finish, I've learnt something new - It's all just been a great experience.
So 2011 was good to me and I look forward to what 2012 will bring. It's going to be a year of expanding - not my waist line :) - Expanding my business ventures, expanding my knowledge and experience, my relationships and expanding on my dreams. There is so much to see and do - Don't let the opportunities pass you by.
I hope that your 2012 is incredible and that you too are able to realise your dreams. Regardless of how big or small...... Be bold. Start today.
"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King, Jr.