• Tarrin: Training & Dedication

    I think it is safe to assume that every single one of us has at some point has looked in the mirror and thought along the lines of, I wish I could nip that, or change this, grow my calves, have bigger biceps, have smaller calves, lose weight, gain weight, tighten up, bulk up, bulk down, get in shape.

    Tarrin had a similar thought and then she stopped making excuses and got serious about changing.  You can click on the link to read Tarrin's transformation story.

    I will summarise for the sake of this post and tell you that in a little over a year, with hard work, dedication, discipline, hours in the gym, consultations with her nutritionist and following that advice with the utmost consistency, Tarrin lost 20Kg's in body weight and 29% body fat.  That's a mammoth achievement.  Huge. 

    With less than two weeks to go until she competes in Miss Fitness SA,  Tarrin took time out for this shoot to document her progress.


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    Being photographed should be fun, otherwise why do it? I do my utmost to make sure you're comfortable and the experience is enjoyable.

    About Me

    Cape Towns biggest fan, lover of photography, travel, television and good food. By good, I mean well done ;)